When first starting your business, generating consistent cash flow can be difficult. Over the years, our team at Commercial Fire has been lucky enough to work with hundreds of FEDs. Here are a few things we have seen make the biggest difference in creating and maintaining long-term, stable businesses.
Six Tips for Maintaining Consistent Cash Flow Within Your Fire and Life Safety Business
Topics: Fire Safety, Affiliates, Life Safety, Best Practices, Business Tips, Grow Your Business
Staying ahead of the curve is essential to being a well-rounded fire safety company. Following the fleet management best practices, below, will help your service company increase productivity and grow your business.
Vehicle Fleet Maintenance
Taking time out of the day to maintain your fleet may seem inconvenient. However, this proves to be worth it in the long run. Keeping your vehicles in shape increases their life span and ensures the safety of your technicians.
Topics: Fire Safety, Affiliates, Best Practices, Fleet Management
Level Up and Become Unbeatable with Commercial Fire’s New Affiliate Scoreboard!
Topics: Web, Multi-Site Facilities, Fire Safety, Technology, Affiliates, Life Safety, Mobile Apps, Benefits
Get Paid in 10 Days: Transforming Work Efficiency with Commercial Fire Connection
As a Commercial Fire Affiliate Partner, the Commercial Fire Connection Online Portal and Mobile App not only provide a space to manage all of your jobs in one place but also help you get paid faster, and facilitate better communication with customers. Other benefits include:
Topics: Fire Safety, Technology, Affiliates, National Account Companies, Life Safety, Mobile Apps, Benefits